Parent Teachers Meeting-CSE(AIML)

Parent Teachers Meeting-CSE(AIML)

Parent Teachers Meeting-CSE(AIML)

Name of the event: Parent Teacher Meet

Date of event: 17-12-2022

No of Participants: 115

Organized by: Department of Computer Science and Engineering- AIML

Description: Parent Teacher Meeting was held on 17th December 2022 at CSE-AIML Department at Room no 117. It was organized to discuss the performance of students with their parents. Parents were given responses on their ward’s performances.
It was a great interaction between the teacher and the parents for the development of their ward, where they discussed both the Strengths and Areas of improvements. The Department has provided a progress report which includes Ward attendance and internal examination marks were shown to the parents. The parents recorded their suggestions successfully. Any sign of a child failing to make progress, regardless of where they are in the lower, middle or higher range is questioned and addressed.
The PTM came to an end with the conclusion that joint effort, mutual understanding and co-operation of parents and teachers is very important for the proper nourishment and progress of students.

No of parents attended: 115

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