AI Project Expo

AI Project Expo

AI Project Expo

Type of the event: Expo

Title of the event: AI Expo 2k24

Description about the event (50 Words): On May 25, 2024, the CSE-AIML Dept of LIET hosted its “Ai-Expo”, featuring innovative projects from across all departments. A total of 147 students participated, showcasing their technological prowess and creativity. Mr. Nomaan Abdul Majeed, the Associate Director of Lords TBI, honored the event with his presence and praised the students for their exceptional skills. He encouraged them to consider transforming their projects into market-ready products. The event was attended by management, deans, and faculty members from all departments, adding to its significance.

Organized by: Department of CSE-AIML

Date of event: 25th May 2024

No.of students/participants attended: 147

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