Scholastic Tutelage

Scholastic Tutelage

Academic Writing plays a very significant role in the global arena. It serves as a tool of communication that conveys acquired knowledge in a specific field of study. Writing academically helps students to analyse, understand, think critically and focus on style and technique. It is a process of presenting ideas in a rational, organised, systematic, reasonable and logical way.
Students at a high level of study need to write dissertations, reports and papers throughout their studies as well as in their work front in future. These tasks will cover a plethora of goals, objectives and purposes.
The Department of English, LIET established Scholastic Tutelage, a club exclusively for Academic Writing. It trains the students on how to write research papers and other academic writing as it is an essential part of academic writing. It enables one’s ideas, argument, and interpretation on a particular topic. In order to be a technical thinker one has to develop certain skills like Critical Thinking, Communication Skills, Research Skills wherein one can express the viewpoints in creative and meaningful ways.
Research can be done either in
a) Problem and situation
b) Re-opinion of facts
c) Filling the gaps of previous research
Students will be trained from the basics of how to choose a topic, find data, interpret data, collect information from the sources, search in various domains, organizing the content, to the advanced level of how to write the abstract, introduction, body of the paper along with recommendations, conclusions, bibliography, references.
Students will also be taught how to incorporate various findings in an appropriate channel in the research paper. They will be trained thrice a week wherein the instructors give them an idea of Research Writing and assign few assignments to the students so as to develop their academic writing skills.
Scholastic Tutelage is a platform that caters to bring out many academic writers who can write their research papers and reports independently which will be beneficial for them in their work front. We look forward to many such erudite academicians!

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