Committee Management

College Academic Committee

Committee CompositionCommittee MembersRoles & Responsibilities
1 Dr.C.Venkata Narasimhulu, Principal Coordinator
2 Dr Azam Pasha Quadri, Head Mech & Vice Principal Admin Member
3 Dr Rajasree Rao, Vice Principal Academics Member
4 Dr T.K.Shaik Shavali Head , CSE Member
5 Dr V.Subramania Barathi, Head, Civil Member
6 Dr Syed Anisuddin, Dean  Civil
7 Dr  J.Sasi Kiran, Dean First Year Member
8 Dr Anees Sultana ,Head, Business Studies Member
9 Dr K.Nagi Reddy ,Head , IT Member
10 Mr Abdul Wasay Mudasser, Head, ECE Member
11 Dr Santhan Kumar  ,Head, EEE Member
12 Dr T.Siva Prasad , Prof Mechanical Member
13 Dr Krishna Reddy , Prof Civil Member
14 Dr Imthathuullah Khan, Prof Civil Member
15 Dr K.Harish , Prof ECE Member
16 Dr Badndi Arun Kumar , Prof ECE Member
17 Dr S.Khaleel Ahamed , Prof CSE
18 Dr Chandersekhar , Prof Business Studies Member
19 Dr Oruganti Somasanker, Prof Business Studies Member
20 Dr Naganjaneyulu ,Professor S&H Member
21 Dr Rehana Anjum, Professor Chemistry Member
22 Dr Md Sameer Ahmed, Professor Chemistry Member
23 Dr Swarnalatha , Professor Physics Member
24 Dr MVN Vasudeva Sharma  , Professor Physics Member
25 Dr Mohammed Asadullah Thakur , Prof Mechanical Member
26 Dr CH Venkateswara Rao ,Professor ECE Member
27 Dr Venkateshan, Professor ECE Member
28 Dr Arul Prakash , Professor EEE Member
29 Dr Mohammed Yousuf Ali , Prof Mechanical Member
30 Dr Anwarullah , Prof Mechanical Member
31 Dr Ramana Naik , Professor CSE Member
31 Dr S.R.M .Krishna , Professor CSE Member
32 Dr Malgireddy Saidireddy , Professor CSE Member
33 Mr. Srinivas, Librarian Member
Roles & Responsibilities

  • Monitoring the programs of internal reviews of learning and teaching
  • To be vigilant about the annual academic process
  • Regular analysis of course information and conduct evaluation through questionnaires and feedback in each semester
  • Regular staff (faculty & administrative) meetings are held along with managerial bodies to discuss on current issues, proposed programs etc, wherein optimum attendance is maintained
  • To advise the Chairman on all areas of academic matters and suggest improvements in academic programs
  • To suggest measures for improvement of library, workshop and training facilities
  • To organize seminars/short – term courses for academic development
  • Any other function entrusted by Governing body from time to time
  • Members of the committee give their suggestions and directions for the smooth running of the college in academic aspect
  • Review the academic and other related activities of the college
  • Review the students and faculty development programs
  • Visualize and formulate perspective plans for the development and growth of the college; • Prepare and review Academics Calendar and
  • Class Routine for the college
  • Review and update the College Prospectus
  • Draft Concise Leave Rule for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the College
  • Decide the introduction of Students Uniform in the College
  • Promote research and extension activities in the college campus
  • Plan for sustaining the quality of education, quality improvement and accreditation of the college
  • Keep vigilance on the attendance of teachers and regularity in taking the classes
  • Review student’s attendance/malpractices in examinations
  • Oversee the internal examinations/evaluation/recording
  • Take disciplinary action to the students for violation and disobedience to the college rule.
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