Guest Lecture on Recent Trends on Advance Machining Processes

Guest Lecture on Recent Trends on Advance Machining Processes

Guest Lecture on Recent Trends on Advance Machining Processes

Type of the event: Guest Lecture

Title of the event: Recent Trends in Advance Machining Processes”

Resource Person: Dr. P.Venkateshwar Reddy, Assistant Professor & HoD, Vardhaman College of Engineering

Description: A Guest lecture was conducted on “Recent trends in Advance Machining Processes” in Mechanical Engineering Dept. on 15-07-2024. and around 52 students attended this session and benefitted. It was very helpful and useful for students to gain knowledge about Advance Machining Techniques and the speaker was very excellent and addressed the gathering in an innovative way. The speaker had good knowledge and well practical experience in Research in relevant fields and explained in a friendly way.

Organized by: Department of Mechanical Engineering

Date of event: 15-07-2024

No.of students/participants attended: 52

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